Updated: Dec 16, 2023
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New in the AlphaControls 2021 (v16)

New comboboxes

All comboboxes and controls derived from them were fully rewritten. Comboboxes are not inherited from standard comboboxes now and free from limitations linked with the ItemHeight property. It's allow to control a bounds of component manually and make scaling of the component more correct. Also, many non-standard properties and possibilities were added, animations and popup windows behavior are more enhanced.

Custom borders in controls

Added possibility of custom calculated border painting. Border width, colors and radiuses of corners may be defined in the skins as default. Also, these properties may be specified for an each control separately in design-time or changed in real-time (look the SkinData.CustomBorder property).

Aligning of tabs in pagecontrols

Handling of tabs has been rewritten, added possibility of tabs aligning and shifting.

New components

Added the TsPopupInfoBox component.

Component allows to show a popup window with some information presented as Html text.

Use this control if some information must be easily accessed by user, but there is no enough place on the form.

New properties

The AnimCheckDrawing property in the TsCheckBox component

Enables an animation of the check mark painting.

The TabsAlign property in the TsPageControl component

The property allows to change aligning of tabs in a pagecontrol.

Available values are `haLeft`, `haCenter` and `haRight`. Default value is `haLeft`.

The PagesAnimation property in the TsPageControl component

The property allows to use custom options for animation of pages switching.

If the Custom subproperty is False, then default animation effect used (specified in the TsSkinManager.AnimEffects.PageChanging property). If the Custom subproperty is True, then own custom parameters used.

The Mode subproperty defines a type of animation.

The Time subproperty defines a time of animation.

The CollapseInDesignAllowed property in the TsRollOutPanel component

The property allows to hide a popup part of a panel in design for a handy work with panels.

The Options.RotateArrows property in the TsSkinManager component

Enables a rotating of arrows in comboboxes.

Other changes

Added the DrawHtmlText procedure in the sHtmlParse unit

Allows to paint a text with base Html tags (`B`, `I`, `U`, `FONT`, `A` and `P`).

procedure DrawHtmlText(Bmp: TBitmap; Text: acString; var R: TRect; Flags: Cardinal; SkinManager: TObject = nil; TranspMode: integer = 0);

Added controlling by keyboard to the TsRangeSelector component

Type of TsComboBoxEx.ItemsEx was changed from TComboExItem to TacComboExItem

The ResizeMode property has been removed in the TsSkinProvider component

Changed the ASkinEditor tool

Added new parameters in skins, used for drawing of custom calculated borders.

What's new in the AlphaControls v14

Installing, using and licensing the demo programs © Sergii Goncharov, Ukraine, Odessa 2004-2023