Updated: Dec 16, 2023
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How can I prevent a Form from being skinned?

Any form in application may be shown without skin (have a standard look) and several ways exists for that:

  • If the Tag property of the form is accessible then set a 8th bit of this property to 1 (value is $100 or 256), the form will not be skinned in this case. Other bits may be used by developer for other purposes. This is an easiest solution.
  • If TsSkinManager.SkinningRules.srStdForms is False then all forms will not be skinned if TsSkinProvider component is not placed on this form. This way may be used if only some custom forms must be skinned in application.
  • If form is not accessible (if this form is exported from third-party package, for example), then such form may be filtered and not skinned by name of form class. If name of form class is known then use such code for excluding this class name from skinning:
    uses sThirdParty; ... begin ThirdPartySkipForms.Add('TForm3'); ThirdPartySkipForms.Add('TQRStandardPreview');
    This way may be used for excluding from skinning any third-party forms, like reports and others.

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