Updated: Dec 16, 2023
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Receiving of background image for the TChart from the skin.

Here is a code of procedure which helps to receive a background for the TChart:

// Receive a background for the control and repainting of chart procedure UpdateChartBackImage(Chart: TChart); var bgInfo: TacBGInfo; begin if not InUpdating(Form1.sSkinProvider1.SkinData) then begin // If parent background is ready // Receive a BG data from a skinned parent of control GetBGInfo(@bgInfo, Chart.Parent); // Creation of bitmap for the Chart.BackImage property (if not exists) if Chart.BackImage.Bitmap = nil then Chart.BackImage.Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; Chart.BackImage.Bitmap.Width := Chart.Width; Chart.BackImage.Bitmap.Height := Chart.Height; Chart.BackImage.Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf32bit; if bgInfo.BgType = btCache then // If BG should be copied (complex image) BitBlt(Chart.BackImage.Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Chart.Width, Chart.Height, bgInfo.Bmp.Canvas.Handle, bgInfo.Offset.X + Chart.Left, bgInfo.Offset.Y + Chart.Top, SRCCOPY) else // otherwise fill BG by received color FillDC(Chart.BackImage.Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, Rect(0, 0, Chart.Width, Chart.Height), bgInfo.Color); // Update a BG of chart Chart.BackImage.Assign(Chart.BackImage.Bitmap); Chart.Invalidate; end; end;

Example of using of the above code look in this demo

Similar code may be used for receiving of background for other custom controls, also.

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