Updated: Dec 16, 2023
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How to disable loading of external skins and use embedded skins only?

TsSkinManager component uses the SkinDirectory for searching of available external skins (*.asz files). Also, skins added in the TsSkinManager.InternalSkins collection, will be available at the run-time.

If external skins should not be searched and used in application, developer can just define the SkinDirectory property to any unexisting path or any string ('N/A' for example). Component will not search external skins in this case and will use only TsSkinManager.InternalSkins collection for loading.

The TsSkinManager.SkinsFilter property adds filtering of accessible skins to the component. This property may be usefull for such components as TsSkinSelector. List of available skins will be filtered there. If `sfiInternal` is enabled then internal skins are accessible for choosing. If `sfiExternal` is enabled then external skins (in *.asz files) are accessible for choosing.

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