window maximize is broken in 8.52

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  • #35978

    Startup of my program is somehow broken with 8.52, the window doesn't get maximized with WindowState := wsMaximized;

    It is maximized to it's last stored size (left screenshot) but with enabled maximize button (right screenshot).

    When I click the restore and then the maximize button again it is again resized to fullscreen size as it should be on startup.

    Everything was ok with the last version I used 8.46

    I'm now using this as temporary workaround

    Top := 0;
    Left := 0;
    Width := Screen.WorkAreaWidth;
    Height := Screen.WorkAreaHeight;
    WindowState := wsMaximized;


    May be emulated this behaviour in a new application for tests?

    Constraints are not defined in this form?

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