What I like most about Blackbox

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    To be honest, Blackbox is not my favorite skin – but if it were a different color combination that suited the business apps I develop then it probably would be. Why? Because it provides consistent mouseover effects to all AC controls and gives my programs a cohesive and uniform user experience that is lacking with other skins. With most skins you get mouseover highlighting on buttons, comboboxes, checkboxes and radioboxes; what blackbox does above this is to give the same effects to TsEdit, TsMemo, TsSpinEdit, TsCurrencyEdit, TsTimePicker etc etc. The consistent mouse tracking adds a real dynamic aspect to my forms and makes the whole app just seem more responsive to the user. IMHO it would be a real improvement across the suite if these effects were standard.

    Sascha are there cosmetic/design reasons why you didn't use the same effects in Subway and your other wonderful skins? Or is this something new you've worked out that could be retrofitted to other skins?




    Hello Hamilton,

    Many thanks for your detailed opinion, I appreciate this and read carefully what you've written. I develop multimedia applications mainly and I have black box adapted specifically for such applications. Black box is a typical multimedia skin. If I have an idea for a new skin I trying to combine colors that go well with each other. I think black box has a nice combination of dark colors and a bright orange, but that's a matter of taste. Basically, Iā€™m ready to improve all my skins if desired and can add mouse-over-effects for other elements, if Serge has no objection.


    Serge, what do you think? Would it upset other users if mouseover effects were retrospectively added to existing skins? I'd hope they would really like it but don't really have any finger to the pulse to know how it would be received.

    Sasha, multimedia dev sounds like fun! Most of my apps are grids and edit forms, though we did some POS stuff recently that was a bit different. I should be careful what I say about skins because I can get it wrong, when I say that blackbox doesn't suit our business apps it wouldn't surprise me if some of our clients love it. Most of our apps include per system or per user skinning options; I once put DeepPurple in a new app I was developing in order to distinguish a particular test server and included that skin (which to my eyes looked horrible with the particular app) solely for that purpose – and the very first client we installed that system for noticed the purple skin, declared that to be their favorite colour and made it the system default. Now whenever I walk into that site I can see my app – in purple – on every monitor.. well it is not what I would have chosen but it makes them happy so I guess I can be pleased with that šŸ˜› I know DeepPurple is another one of your works and I'm definitely not knocking the skin per se – it's just that I've never seen a purple access control system (or anything else for that matter) at a major public hospital before!

    PS To balance things out, I feel I need to add that Subway and Android OS are amongst my favourite skins – love your work!

    PPS Could this be more off-topic? I need to get back to work, ciao!




    Sure, all these effects may be added and users can disable them if these effects will not be needed šŸ™‚


    Hi Hamilton,

    currently I work for a new skin, but Subway is updated first.

    I hope you like it šŸ™„


    rolleyes.gif I'm very excited to see this happening, thank you!

    If I was to be critical.. and I don't want to be.. I'd point out that the hot-track colour is less consistent for Subway than it is with BlackBox. With BlackBox the hot-track is always orange but with Subway it is white around edit boxes, blue for buttons, black around text for checkboxes/radiogroups and blue around text for toolbuttons. I wonder if the blue color used on the buttons could be applied in all cases?





    Since Subway the new skins (other than Mint) have supported the full range of mouseover effects and they are awesome! This includes Zest, AlterMetro and Lunar Base).


    * It would be good if Mint had the full range of mouseover effects.

    * It would be good if Subway used the blue color consistently for mouseover effects (aside: I really like this skin and use it a lot; the blue color used for button and grid titles works so well against the dark background and I'd really love to see how my apps would look with that effect applied consistently).

    * It would be worthwhile to go back and add these effects to other skins (if anyone has time).

    PS The new skins are all great – too good in fact and I've had to add them to my core suite of apps and now the list of skins the user can choose from is unreasonably long! LOL it's fantastic šŸ˜›




    Hi Hamilton,

    sorry, I have not seen your second last post in this thread!

    I tested it with continuous blue color for all effects and I think it should be changed.


    Hi Sascha, I'm so glad to hear you say that šŸ™‚ I wondered if you'd seen the post but didn't want to push as it was just my opinion.




    Thanks for updating Subway to include the consistent blue effect. I go through phases of what skin I use in development and Subway has been my go-to for some time now, it's really nice!

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