Visual problems with embedded transparent frames

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  • #35690

    I've finally been able to start using these awesome components again, but I've found a few visual glitches. I have a main form that displays various child frames (each descending from TFrame). These frames usually consist of a centered main panel (a TsPanel) on a transparent background (the frame's ParentBackground property is true). For the most part this works beautifully, but refer to the screenshot below to see the visual problems that I'm encountering.

    I've created a small sample project to demonstrate the issue. Let me know if you'd like me to send it to you.

    My system specs:

    • AlphaControls 8.20

    • C++ Builder 2010

    • Windows 7




    Please, give me this project )


    Alright, here you go!


    Hello and thank you for the demo.

    Please try the v8.31, this error should be fixed there.


    I have just downloaded, rebuilt, and tested the 8.31 demo build. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to have fixed the two issues I mentioned here. I also double checked to make sure my sample project is using the new files, and in the designer it shows version 8.31.


    There is something strange with parent panel in your demo, this panel is not skinned?

    After adding of skinning I have behaviour wwhich you can see in attached demo.


    I still get weird issues whether the parent panel is skinned or not. Even though the nested frame looks good in your demo, I don't want the outer panel to have any sort of border or background. In other words, I want the underlying background of the main form to show through, because with your skins it looks great! Unfortunately, if I make the parent panel a TsPanel with its SkinSection set to CHECKBOX, it looks pretty terrible during resizing. This also depends on the skin. MacMetal works a lot better than Topaz, for example. I've attached an updated demo project so you can see what I mean.

    Basically I want the parent panel to be an invisible, transparent container. I only want to use it so child controls inside it know how much space they have to work with. Before using your controls, I would just use a normal TPanel and make it transparent, but ideally there would be a better way! It would be so awesome if you had a new, custom control specifically for this purpose. In other words, a transparent container (descended from TWinControl) to help group and align child controls.




    You have non-skinned frame, it's a reason of the problem.

    Try to place the TsFrameAdapter component to the frame and change his SkinData.SkinSection property to “CHECKBOX”.

    It helps?


    Yes that does indeed fix the problems. For some reason I thought the frames were automatically skinned. Anyway, thank you for helping me out. 🙄

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