Version 7.56: Extra Menuline is bugged

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  • #34940

    This picture shows a bug in AC 7.56:

    [attachment=5398:Menuline Bug.jpg]

    The text of the menuline is missing, there is an extra bar to the right.

    This is the testproject:


    By the way, I've forgotten how I get the menuline text shown vertically. I copied the SkinManager and SkinProvider from another project, but if I do not do that, I cannot get the text to show vertically. Must be something simple, that I'm missing 😮


    Hello and sorry for a delay.

    I think, you just should use a truetype font, please try.

    PS. SkinManager.MenuSupport.IcoLineSkin should not be 'EXTRALINE', I think?

    'Support' wrote:

    I think, you just should use a truetype font, please try.

    The form's font was not TrueType, but the ExtraLineFont was TrueType (Trebuchet MS).

    'Support' wrote:

    PS. SkinManager.MenuSupport.IcoLineSkin should not be 'EXTRALINE', I think?

    Why do you not set the default skin for IcoLineSkin to MENUITEM? That prevents a lot of confusion, since that appears to be the skin of choice for this item.

    I reloaded the project and low and behold: the text appeared vertically!! I didn't change anything :huh:

    'HeDiBo' wrote:
    Why do you not set the default skin for IcoLineSkin to MENUITEM? That prevents a lot of confusion, since that appears to be the skin of choice for this item.

    This property should be empty by default. 🙂

    'Support' wrote:

    This property should be empty by default. 🙂

    I disagree.

    These are two images of the same project, using the Shine skin.

    The first one is the image of the project with IcoLineSkin is empty. As you can see there's a nonfunctional blue bar to the right of the extra line (it would be functional if all selection would be preceded by this blue bar, but that's not the case).

    In the second one the IcoLineSkin is MENUITEM. Now the area blends in nicely with the other menu items:


    I suggest you treat an empty IcoLineSkin as if MENUITEM was chosen.

    I wish you a merry Christmas and a very good and healthy 2012 :a3:



    suggest you treat an empty IcoLineSkin as if MENUITEM was chosen.

    Most skins contain the ICOLINE section and this section used when the IcoLineSkin property is empty. So, kind of this line is depended from ICOLINE section.

    I wish you a merry Christmas and a very good and healthy 2012

    Thank you! :a4:

    'Support' wrote:

    Most skins contain the ICOLINE section and this section used when the IcoLineSkin property is empty. So, kind of this line is depended from ICOLINE section.

    I see now what you mean.

    This would be appropriate if the skin selection was only one column. But with a multicolumn selection, the ICOLINE skin should be repeated as the start of every selection column. As it is now it is quite unbalanced (in selected skins the first column differs from the other columns).

    Thanks ;-}

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