There is a strange behavior when you restore a minimized form when the form is set to appear on taskbar:
Only a small part of the window becomes visible so you have to resize the form a little bit until it is shown properly again;
Code on form 3:
Procedure CreateParams( Var params: TCreateParams ); override;
procedure TForm3.CreateParams(var params: TCreateParams);
inherited CreateParams(Params);
with Params do
ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_APPWINDOW;
WndParent := GetDesktopwindow;
I've disabled the minimizing effect and, later on, all the other effects but the result is the same.
The only way I've found to handle the problem is enabling Effects > ExtendedBorders, but unfortunately it really slows down my app (I guess it's probably because my video card stinks).