v.7.56 – problem with sComboBox.pas

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  • #34942

    AlphaControls 2010 v7.56

    Delphi 2010, Windows7 with Aero on

    I just installed the v7.56 full version and I am having a weird problem.

    With the new version all of my TsComboBoxes in my project now become non-visible at runtime!

    I tried to create a demo project to demonstrate the issue but I can't reproduce it outside of my app. Something is happening at runtime in my application that is causing the problem with the new version but I don't have any idea what.

    I replaced the sComboBox.pas file with the one from version 7.55 and my TsComboBoxes now work fine.

    Sorry I have not had the time to try and find out what line(s) of code are causing the problem. I am currently on a deadline with another project and don't have that kind of time right now.




    Have you tried to build your project entirely.



    Yes, I rebuilt the project and I rebuilt/reinstalled the AlphaControls package – actually rebuilt both several times.

    But thank you for your suggestion.



    All of my ComboBoxes are embedded in panels, some of the panels are on PageControls.

    I been experimenting with one ComboBox in my main form.

    If I replace the ComboBox or add a new one at the same location (in the same PageControl/in the same panel) I have the same problem.

    If move the ComboBox off the TsPanel directly to the form – it works/stays visible at runtime.

    As I mentioned previously, I have tried to create an app to demonstrate this issue but haven't been able to reproduce it.


    If I copy all the form objects and paste them into a new project the ComboBoxes stay visible.


    I have same problem in my project! What's worse, sometimes when adding new items (AddItem method) those items are not visible in combobox dropdown list! (some are visible, and some don't). In addition, if you are using dark skin, than border of drop down list is still white.

    EDIT: To be more specific:

    1. I have a combo (DropDownList mode), and I'm filling it with two options on FormCreate event. At runtime, only one of them is visible in the drop down list.

    2. Second combo is placed in TsGroupBox (and TsGroupBox is placed on TsTabsheet). At runtime (if AC is active) this combo is not visible. But if I change active page tab to some other page, and than I return to the page where the combo is, the combo is visible again. Important. When form is showing, active page is not the one with that combo. Than I change page and combo is not visible.


    Replacing the sComboBox.pas file with the one from version 7.55 seems to have fixed my combobox issues. My app supports unicode and the comboboxes are all pretty much the default size.

    Unfortunately I haven't had more time to delve deeper into this because I've got a major project that I need to deliver by tomorrow morning.

    Re: In addition, if you are using dark skin, than border of drop down list is still white.

    Is this a new issue or continuing? I didn't notice with the dark skins that I checked, mainly WMP11 & WMP 2008, but maybe I missed it.


    Border problem is an old one. Here is a pic from newest demo app:


    (sComboBoxEx have black border, which is ok)



    Described issues will be solved in the nearest release, I think.


    Looks like v7.57 fixed my ComboBox issues and the border of the dropdown box is no longer white (the issue that Oconell mentioned).

    Thank you! :a3:

    Have a Happy Holiday (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, etc.)! :a4:

    'IPSteven' wrote:
    Have a Happy Holiday (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, etc.)! :a4:

    Thank you 🙂

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