v. 7.33: Bug in combination with Photoshop CS5

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  • #34453

    I'm using AlphaControls, a TActionMainMenuBar with an ActionManager and a custom ColorMap on the main form of my program. When I start my application first and then Adobe Photoshop CS5 (v. 12.0.3, 32bit), the captions on the TMainMenuBar as well as the ones on the drop-down menus disappear (see attached file). If I start Photoshop first and then my program, everything is fine. Also, if I run a program which does not use AlphaControls, the TActionMainMenuBar captions do not vanish.

    D2007 Pro, all updates applied

    Vista Home Premium 32bit, all updates applied

    AlphaControls v. 7.33



    Can you make a small demo for this issue, please?


    No problem, here you go. Steps to reproduce:

    Start Test.exe first

    Start Photoshop CS5 (not CS3, which doesn't produce this bug!)

    The 'File' menu item disappeared from the TActionMainMenuBar

    Actually, the menu item does not vanish, as I found out, but something changes the highlight color of the menu item and the color of the menu font. If you remove all AC components from the project, the bug disappears.


    Thank you.

    Strange thing, I haven't this issue, but I'll try more systems soon.


    Hm, what other information can I give you?

    Graphics card: NVidia GForce 8600 GT (an old test system, I know…)

    Driver: 266.58 (

    DirectX runtime version 11.0

    The bug can be reproduced every time. It only occurs with Photoshop CS5, and only if I use AlphaControls.



    I can ses on my System the same result

    Pentium 4 HT

    Win7 pro 32bin

    Graphic card ATI Radeon 9800 pro

    On my other PC with Win7 pro 6bit (i7 2600) and ASUS EAH6950 Graphic card everything is looking fine.


    'mol' wrote:

    Hm, what other information can I give you?

    Graphics card: NVidia GForce 8600 GT (an old test system, I know…)

    Driver: 266.58 (

    DirectX runtime version 11.0

    The bug can be reproduced every time. It only occurs with Photoshop CS5, and only if I use AlphaControls.


    Good to hear that I am not the only one who is seeing this.


    Thanks for info. I'm researching this issue still, but can't reproduce described behaviour.

    Try to change Font colors in TwilightColorMap, the problem will disappear if font colors are not default?

    'Support' wrote:

    Try to change Font colors in TwilightColorMap, the problem will disappear if font colors are not default?

    I changed the font color to clLime and the selected color to clRed. When I start the program and CS5 right after that, the font color is automatically set to the background color of the TActionMainMenuBar and you can't read the menu caption any more. Hovering over the menu item now, the selected background color changed from the original clRed to cl3DDkShadow, and the font color to clBlack. Even if I change the color of the TActionMainMenuBar to clSkyBlue, it turns into clBlack once Photoshop CS5 has been started. It seems as if the colors that are defined in the ColorMap are not recognized anymore, once CS5 runs. See attached screenshots. This only happens when using AC, and only with CS5!



    Hello guys

    Can you show me an issue on your PC remotely? (via TeamViewer tool)

    'Support' wrote:

    Hello guys

    Can you show me an issue on your PC remotely? (via TeamViewer tool)

    I'm sorry, Serge, but this is a development machine which is not connected to the web. Let me know what you want to check, and maybe I can do the tests for you. Thanks.



    I'm sorry, but I can see this problem only on my PC at home, but in the moment I'm away from home and will not come back before October



    I have removed AlphaControls from the test project, and when this project is started with CS5 then colors of MenuBar were reset to default system colors. It's normal?


    Sorry for the late answer, I missed your post.

    No, that is not normal. Actually, when I remove all AlphaControls (including manually removing all references to sSkinManager and sSkinProvider) from the project, I see what you've uploaded as “BeforeCS5.jpg”.


    Bug still present in version 7.43

    'mol' wrote:

    Sorry for the late answer, I missed your post.

    No, that is not normal. Actually, when I remove all AlphaControls (including manually removing all references to sSkinManager and sSkinProvider) from the project, I see what you've uploaded as “BeforeCS5.jpg”.

    And colors are not changed after start of CS5 when skins are disabled?

    I see that behaviour of this menu is not stable even if skins are not used…


    I looked further into this and it seems that Photoshop CS5 and TActionMainMenuBar are somewhat incompatible with each other. CS5 not only changes the highlight and other colors of a TActionMainMenuBar (if the colormap is set to something other than the default), but also its predefined font. No matter if AC is used or not. Well, I guess we just have to live with it, although I have no idea how it would be possible for CS5 to change design time settings of a Delphi component.

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