Using 2 SkinManagers Problem

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  • #36015

    Hi Serge,

    I'm having a problem understanding what I'm doing wrong here. In my main app I use 3 different SkinManagers… however for the purpose of this question and the included demo, it is sufficient to use only 2 SkinManagers.

    On the Main form, Form1, I have placed two SkinManagers. (Both have their directory hardcoded to use the latest skins downloaded from site (6.2 Mb, 23.01.2014)).

    I populate two comboboxes with all available Skin Names.

    Form1 is set to use SkinManager1, and Form2 is set to use SkinManager2.

    Upon each form, I place labels in .enabled and .disabled state.

    Combobox1 changes the (Main), Combobox2 changes the (Secondary)

    Changing the Combobox1 SkinName correctly updates the form and all labels on Form1 using SkinManager1.

    Changing the Combobox2 SkinName, however, does not update the labels on Form2 as it should do? Even though I have placed a SkinProvider on Form2 and pointed it to SkinManager2 on Form1. Form2 updates correctly using the SkinManager2 setting, but the labels seem to 'stick' at the same colours as SkinManager1.

    As you can see on the panel on Form2, I've pointed it's SkinData.SkinManager to SkinManager2… but labels don't expose such a property?

    Can you tell me what I am doing wrong as I'm sure it is something simple like a setting I have missed? Or is not possible?



    Delphi XE

    Win Vista 64Bit

    AlphaSkins 8.53

    (demo attached)


    Hello Darren, thank you for the demo.

    TsLabels does not have such property as “SkinManager” and controlled by default SkinManager only.

    I can add a special SkinManager property to the TsLabel, I think the issue will be resolved in this case.

    'Support' wrote:

    Hello Darren, thank you for the demo.

    TsLabels does not have such property as “SkinManager” and controlled by default SkinManager only.

    I can add a special SkinManager property to the TsLabel, I think the issue will be resolved in this case.

    That would be brilliant, Serge, thankyou 🙂

    'DarrenB' wrote:

    That would be brilliant, Serge, thankyou 🙂

    Hi Serge,

    just downloaded the v9.0 beta I was wondering if you had given this any more thought… at first glance I cannot see any changes?




    Hello Darren!

    TsLabel has the SkinManager property in the version 9.00

    Do you have reinstalled the package?

    'Support' wrote:

    Hello Darren!

    TsLabel has the SkinManager property in the version 9.00

    Do you have reinstalled the package?

    Hello Serge,

    I must have been doing something wrong, as I thought I had checked for the new property… I re-downloaded and reinstalled the v9.00 and am pleased to see the new label.Skinmanager property. Thankyou for this addition 🙂



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