Unicode text truncated

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  • #34924

    Hi Serge,

    There is a problem with using Russian text in D7 (with TNTUnicode enabled in sDefs.inc) where the Russian text is truncated. The text is not truncated if I use a Tnt control (See image).


    The problem occurs whether the form is skinned or not. In the example I'm not using a skin manager at all.

    I'm using D7, Win7 x64, ACv7.55 (also tried it using v7.34 and it had the same problem).

    The problem also occurs with Alpha Control checkboxes and stand alone radio group buttons. sLabels seem to be ok. I haven't tried any other controls.

    One other small issue is that the radio group button is not centered in the groupbox like the TnT groupbox but that's a minor issue.

    The truncation problem is holding us back from sending our software to our Russian customers so we would appreciate this problem fixed soon if possible.





    Hello and thank you for the demo.

    I have recompiled this application, but problem is not exists (Exe is attached).

    Are you sure you have enabled the TNTUNICODE key? And AlphaControls sources were recompiled with this key?

    Can you upload your Exe-file also? Maybe I will have some ideas?


    Hi Serge,

    I ran your exe and the text showed up in english. When I run my exe it comes up in Russian.

    Perhaps you need to set the active language to Russian in the IDE and recompile. ie. Project/Languages/Set Active… Russian (Russia).

    I have verified that I do have the TNTUNICODE key enabled and AlphaControls recompiled. If it's not then the unicode strings show up as '????????'.

    I have attached a zip file with a new demo which also includes a TsLabel, TsCheckbox and a TsRadioButton. In the zip file there are also two JPGs which show the resultant form with and without the TNTUNICODE key enabled.





    I had a correct result on my PC, look the screenshot 🙂

    But try the new sGroupBox.pas file, I think your issue should be solved there.


    Hi Serge. Thanks for that. The TsRadioGroup is now fixed.

    Please don't forget to fix the TsCheckbox and TsRadioButton components as well. (There may be others, I'm not sure.)



    I think, a cause of problem in these control is in the AutoSize property.

    Please try to change it to False.

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