Version 10.28
This is probably hard to duplicate but I can verify that this occurs when using this skin. I am getting an access violation in sListbox when using TsCheckListBox. The problem is that ListSW: TacScrollWnd; is nil. I have the checklistbox in a page control.
This problem is occurring when using Ubuntu skin. I do not get this access violation when using any other skin.
- If you start the application using Ubuntu, you get the access violation changing tabs to the one that contains the checklistbox.[*]If you start the application using Ubuntu and switch to another skin, you do not get an access violation when changing tabs to the one that contains the checklistbox.[*]If you start the application using Ubuntu switch to another skin and then switch back to Ubuntu, you do not get an access violation when changing tabs to the one that contains the checklistbox. Interesting.[*]If you start the application using a skin other than Ubuntu, you do not get an access violation when changing tabs to the one that contains the checklistbox.
I was wondering when looking at the skin files and noticed that Ubuntu has a date of 10/18/2015 while the others have a date of 3/9/2016 or later. This is probably why I am seeing this problem – Ubuntu is outdated.
Is the reason why Ubuntu has not been updated is because you wish to discontinue it? I use Ubuntu for my help file screen shots.
Again, this does not occur all the time. I have another form that uses this control and does not exhibit this problem. That is why this problem is hard to duplicate in a demo.