TsTitleBar Hints

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  • #36649


    I would like to show hints to my buttons in a TsTitleBar. I set the hint property of my TacTitleBarItem to, e. g. 'This is a hint', and I set the ShowHint property to true. Unfortunately, hints are not shown. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

    I am using Version 10.13 with Delphi XE.



    The ShowHint property of this form must be True, try it, please.


    Thank you, that worked.

    But there is another problem with the hint: The hint is separated from the cursor by around one cursor height. I would prefer the hint to be at or right beside the cursor position. Is there a possiblity to change properties like the position of the hint? For example, I also want the hint to instantaneously appear as the cursor enters the button. At the moment, there is a short time interval in which the hint does not show after entering the button and the hint does not show instantaneously. (I do not need a different skin for the hint).

    Is there a documentation beside the tutorial on the website where I can get some information about the hints if items of TsTitleBar?


    I will improve this positioning of standard hints in the nearest release.

    These hints are not described in the tutorials.

    'Support' wrote:

    I will improve this positioning of standard hints in the nearest release.

    These hints are not described in the tutorials.

    I have attached a project. I too am having problems getting hints to show on the title bar. I set the form showhint to true as stated above. What am I do wrong.


    Thank you for the demo, this issue will be solved in the nearest release.

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