TsSlider: Rounded thumb

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  • #36973
    Gino D

    I'm trying to create a new layout for the TsSlider component and can't figure out how to get the thumb to show as a circle like this:


    I've tried drawing a circle in the Master.BMP and assigned it to the thumb's skinsection, but this didn't scale correctly (turns into a rounded square).

    The same goes for adding images to a TsAlphaImageList and using the designtime properties 'ThumbIndexOff', 'ThumbIndexOn' etc.. The image will use the size defined in the TsAlphaImageList (and i can't seem to center the image).



    Hello Gino!

    I will try to make an example with such slider soon, please wait 1-2 days.

    Gino D

    Thank you very much!


    Look attached project.

    Slider main image has been drawn with transparent borders (masks used).

    Big thumb is painted as usual, but margin of thumb is 0, you can define this margin in the ASkinEditor.exe (General skin options/Additional/TsSlider thumb margin).

    Write again if you have questions.

    Gino D

    Great customer service! Thank you very much!

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