TsSkinProvider.PaintAll -> GDIError (EOutOfResources = out of memory)

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  • #71284

    Please help me, because I’m going crazy and loosing my customer’s trust day by day because of this strange error. 🙁
    It appeared since ca 2-3 weeks ago, everything worked fine for years before that.
    And I did not change any setup or components since min. 2 years, the only difference is that my program is starting 5 different background threads instead of 4.
    (But that thread has nothing to do with AC, only using TUIBDatabase SQL and OverbyteIcs https components, and a thread safe memory-logging system, which also has nothing to do with AC, because none of those are interacting directly with any desktop items.)

    If I search for this error on this forum, I can find 5 other mentioning about similar topics, but those were very early versions.

    The Error:
    – Appears after using the program several hours long, so I can not reproduce it on my developer PC.
    – Appears both on win7 and Win10
    – both on 32 bit / 64 bit. (my exe is always 32bit)
    – with different VGA cards and drivers too
    – Appears on different forms and actions randomly (will copy more reports to show). But mostly if Form.Show happens.
    – it is impossible to continue the program, it is stuck in a loop, no try-except can handle it properly.
    – the user can only force-close and restart the whole EXE, while loosing data not yet saved.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    I have a suspicion that this error has to do with Thread safety somehow.

    The “new” background thread I mentioned gives “out of memory” messages too, while the program’s mem-usage is under 150MB, and the OS has min. 1GB+ free RAM.
    (As You can see from attached bugreports. That thread is called: “HatterNTAK_szal”)

    I see that from my own LOGs:
    When a TUIBQuery component tries to load max 64 tiny rows from database. (Which is very small amount of data, max 1-2 Kbytes.) It can open that table, so the try..except writes: “out of memory” error to my LOG file.
    Maybe it has nothing to do with it, but that’s my only “similar error” starting point so far.

    Also checked the VGA-memory usage, no problems there either.

    Worth to mention that I’m using FastMM4 latest module, so that should be stable too.
    ( Of course with {$define AssumeMultiThreaded} enabled )

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by SzakiLaci.

    Sorry, forgot to tell: I’m using 2019.05 version: v14.29

      object sSkinManager1: TsSkinManager
        SkinsFilter = [sfiInternal]
        Effects.AllowAnimation = False
        AnimEffects.DialogShow.Active = False
        AnimEffects.FormShow.Active = False
        AnimEffects.FormHide.Active = False
        AnimEffects.DialogHide.Active = False
        AnimEffects.Minimizing.Active = False
        AnimEffects.PageChange.Active = False
        AnimEffects.SkinChanging.Active = False
        AnimEffects.SkinChanging.Time = 0
        AnimEffects.SkinChanging.Mode = atDropDown
        ButtonsOptions.OldGlyphsMode = True
        ButtonsOptions.ModalButtonsColoring = []
        Active = False
        CommonSections.Strings = (
        UseCache = False
        Bitmap = {}
      object sSkinProvider1: TsSkinProvider
        AllowAnimation = False
        AllowBlendOnMoving = False
        AllowSkin3rdParty = False
        ScreenSnap = True
        AllowExtBorders = False
        UseGlobalColor = False
        AddedTitle.Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET
        AddedTitle.Font.Color = clNone
        AddedTitle.Font.Height = -11
        AddedTitle.Font.Name = 'Arial'
        AddedTitle.Font.Style = []
        SkinData.SkinSection = 'FORM'

    I guess first thing You will recommend to upgrade it, but I’m afraid something similar may happen, as last time. (Worked several month long to correct all the anomalies.)


    I recommend asking ChatGPT e.g. “How to track GDIError (EOutOfResources = out of memory) errors in Delphi?”. It gives an excellent answer.

    I bet my money on creating GDI objects and not deleting them somewhere. I have seen that thousand times.


    That said… for example find “CreatePen” from AlphaSkins source and you will find a leak in sGraphUtils.pas:

    SelectObject(DC, CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, clWhite));

    That will create a pen and it is never deleted. The code should be like:

      LPen: HPEN;
      LPen := CreatePen(...);
        // Use the pen for drawing
        DeleteObject(LPen); // Release the GDI pen object
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Lasse.

    Thank you very much!
    I will change that.

    Can You please add a few more examples, what else to search for, not just “CreatePen” ?

    And yes, I’ve also noticed there are still some memory leaks in the code.
    But it seems it has improved a lot since the 2019 version.
    noticed Serge forgets to put:
    inherited Destroy;
    to the end of the Destroy procedures after all other “clearings”, instead of the beginning.

    Do you know if it’s enough to FreeAndNil(FTextTimer) a timer component, instead of first stopping it by :
    FTextTimer.Enabled := False;
    (like he does at: destructor TacCustomCombo.Destroy; )


    You can check what objects can be created for SelectObject.

    – Bitmap: CreateBitmap, CreateBitmapIndirect, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateDIBitmap, CreateDIBSection
    – Brush: CreateBrushIndirect, CreateDIBPatternBrush, CreateDIBPatternBrushPt, CreateHatchBrush, CreatePatternBrush, CreateSolidBrush
    – Font: CreateFont, CreateFontIndirect
    – Pen: CreatePen, CreatePenIndirect
    – Region: CombineRgn, CreateEllipticRgn, CreateEllipticRgnIndirect, CreatePolygonRgn, CreateRectRgn, CreateRectRgnIndirect

    I have mostly seen CreatePen and CreateBrush leaks. But there are also many other kind of traps to fall into. The worst I know is SHGetFileInfo where you need to destroy the icon handle, if you are not using it. Usually you’re only interested in icon index.

    For example

    function GetIconIndex(const AFilename: string; const AFileAttributes: Cardinal; const AMoreFlags: Cardinal): Integer;
      LFileInfo: TSHFileInfo;
      if SHGetFileInfo(PChar(AFilename), AFileAttributes, LFileInfo, SizeOf(TSHFileInfo), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX or SHGFI_SMALLICON or
        SHGFI_ICON or AMoreFlags) = 0 then
        Result := -1
        Result := LFileInfo.iIcon;
        { Important! Destroy the icon, we are only using the index. }

    Yes, FreeAndNil(FTextTimer) is ok.

    TTimer destroy will disable it.

    destructor TTimer.Destroy;
      FEnabled := False;

    After I’ve upgraded to latest version=17.01
    this error seems to disappeared. (But not tested enough yet… so it’s not final.)

    But, other huge errors started to appear, like:



    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by chris2023.

    Dear Chris2023,
    Please delete your post.
    This is not a solution.


    After I’ve upgraded to latest version=17.01
    this error seems to disappeared. (But not tested enough yet… so it’s not final.)

    I take it back 🙁

    It has turned out: the same error can still happen with the latest version too.
    While it’s rare compared to the old one.

    So I will put back the 2019 version, it was much much more stable and will enhance the AC code with the recommended try…finally and some try..except lines.

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