TsListView FullDrag column support broken

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  • #35981

    First you can reproduce this issue with the ASkinDemo yourself.

    Modify the UnitFrameListView so FullDrag is enabled for sListView1.

    First try it with disabled skinning Support, Drag and Drop Column2 in front of Column1.

    See screenshot 1 for the result.

    Not try the same with Skins enabled.

    See screenshot 2 for the result, the column data is not moved to the right columns.

    This is mandatory function for me and I can't replace TListView with TsListView as long as it is broken.

    Please help me 😀


    Thank you for screenshots, I see a problem. I'll try to fix it in the nearest release 🙂


    Just FYI, this is still not working properly in 8.53 🙄

    (and yes I know its working in your demo, I can't explain why)

    Column content is still missing or shown in wrong column (really strange issue) if columns are dragged or moved by e.g. lvDet.Columns.Items[13].Index := 0; 🙁

    I can provide you a binary of my app to show you the still existing problems, just contact me.

    'dhwz2001' wrote:
    I can provide you a binary of my app to show you the still existing problems, just contact me.

    Yes, please give me Exe if you can.

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