TsImages Does Not Like TsSpinEdits

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  • #69738

    This is a weird finding.

    If you put a TsSpinEdit and a TsImage in a TsPanel, the TsImage does not show its image.

    If you put a TsSpinEdit in a TsPanel and put another TsPanel in the first TsPanel and put a TsImage in the second TsPanel, the TsImage’s image will appear.

    I have attached a sample project. Just compile and run it.

    On the Animation tab the first group of (1) combobox, (2) spinedit and (3) panel with an (4) image inside it all inside a (5) panel which shows the image to the right side.

    The rest of the groups of (1) combobox, (2) spinedit and (3) image are all inside a (4) panel which does not show the image. However, if you were to remove the spinedit from the panel, the image will appear. The combobox does not care or have any problems.

    The other tabs show the same problem or no problem.

    Just a weird situation. So my workaround this problem is to isolate the image by putting it in its own panel and that panel can be put in another panel and the image will appear.

    I am using version 15.16, Delphi Rio, Windows 10.


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    Thank you for the demo. I see the issue there and I will research it.
    I hope to find a reason of the problem soon.


    It looks fixed. Thanks.

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