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  • #35539

    Dear Support ! 🙂

    What would you recommend to show a picture on a panel or form – contained in a TsAlphaImageList ?

    … also would be nice to use AC's enhanced stretch function to show a TPicture saved in a kind of “TsImage”. (Because original TImage's stretching looks not too great.)

    Any ideas how to do it? (or plans for future component 😛 ?)

    Thanks for the info and Happy Christmas 😀




    If you have an image contained in the TsAlphaImageList compoent, then you can draw directly from this component I think (TsAlphaImageList.Draw procedure).

    You can place this code in the TsPanel.OnPaint or Form.OnPaint events. Why you need a special component for that?:)

    Happy New Year 😀


    Hi Serge !

    It's new year and (hopefully) we are all sober again 😀

    It would be hard for me to list ALL advantages a TsImage component would offer but here are some:

    – OnClick, MouseUp … events on a picture

    Proportional property

    UseCash property (like at TsVirtualImageList)

    – no need to calculate ScaleBy- and Anchors-modified coordinates for placement of a picture

    – component order

    – probably more repaint-refresh compatibility with other AlphaSkin controls (like TsPanel)

    – maybe it could hold standard picture types too, like a normal TImage (.jpg, tif..)

    – would increase development work for scaled touch-screen application ca. 20x times

    – …

    So it would be simply logical to have such a component, basically like the sBitBtn, without [focus, borders, onKeyDown, …] and such events.

    Cheers ^_^

    I've just started to develop a new module for my program where I wanted to place pictures for different payment types (cash, credit card, ticket, …) on a TScrollBox under each other. Than I've realized it's complicated without TsImage to use pictures already saved into a TsAlphaImageList.



    I think, such component may be useful, added in ToDo 🙂


    Hi Serge !

    It's new year and (hopefully) we are all sober again

    It would be hard for me to list ALL advantages a TsImage component would offer but here are some:

    – OnClick, MouseUp … events on a picture

    – Proportional property

    – UseCash property (like at TsVirtualImageList)

    – no need to calculate ScaleBy- and Anchors-modified coordinates for placement of a picture

    – component order

    – probably more repaint-refresh compatibility with other AlphaSkin controls (like TsPanel)

    – maybe it could hold standard picture types too, like a normal TImage (.jpg, tif..)

    – would increase development work for scaled touch-screen application ca. 20x times

    – …

    So it would be simply logical to have such a component, basically like the sBitBtn, without [focus, borders, onKeyDown, …] and such events.


    I've just started to develop a new module for my program where I wanted to place pictures for different payment types (cash, credit card, ticket, …) on a TScrollBox under each other. Than I've realized it's complicated without TsImage to use pictures already saved into a TsAlphaImageList.


    I think, such component may be useful, added in ToDo

    😀 😉 Good job guys.


    'Support' wrote:


    I think, such component may be useful, added in ToDo 🙂

    Thanks Mate !

    I'll be thankful for that 😉

    You may just make a copy from the TsBitBtn component,

    – rename to TsImage

    – delete all unnecessary stuff (Caption, borders, etc) and

    – add Proportional property.

    I think that's all. :a3:

    'Support' wrote:


    I think, such component may be useful, added in ToDo 🙂


    I've tested yesterday 8.30 beta (yet, only on XE3 32bit)

    Also tested with TsVirtualImageList.

    TsImage seems to work nice !! 😀

    only found 3 small glitches:

    1. if a TsButton is placed OVER it, the button flickers (even at design time) [maybe sButton related…] [TsBitBtn works fine.]

    2. if setting .AutoSize := True >> Height and Width will change to 0 !! >> not possible to change those to any other value except turning AutoSize OFF.

    3. ImageIndex is normally at all other AC components a drop-down list with images showed. Here only a number.

    … and I've found an other abnormality: when changing the AlphaImageList 's Width and Height >> pictures are not showing any more, only in the pic-manager window. (See attached pic.)


    PS: this topic should now being moved to Troubleshootings.

    'SzakiLaci' wrote:
    1. if a TsButton is placed OVER it, the button flickers (even at design time) [maybe sButton related…] [TsBitBtn works fine.]

    3. ImageIndex is normally at all other AC components a drop-down list with images showed. Here only a number.

    I'll try to improve it later.

    2. if setting .AutoSize := True >> Height and Width will change to 0 !! >> not possible to change those to any other value except turning AutoSize OFF.

    I can't reproduce it, can you help me?

    'Support' wrote:

    I can't reproduce it, can you help me?

    I'm testing and testing and it's doing at me ALWAYS.

    attached a simple project. Just select the image and click the Autosize property to become TRUE.

    it will shrink the image size to 0-0 !


    Thank you, I understand now. The issue will be solved in the nearest release.

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