TsComboBox flickering

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  • #37578

    If the TsComboBox control is anchored to right and you resize the form, the control is flickering a selection when it is not focused.

    You can repeat this with your demo:

    For example

    1. Set Frame_Others.sComboBox1.Anchors := [akLeft,akTop,akRight];

    2. Set Frame_Others.Align := alClient

    3. Set MainForm.PanelContainer.Align := alClient

    4. Run the demo

    5. Go to Examples of components -> Additional components -> Unsorted

    6. Select something from SkinSection combobox

    7. Focus some other control

    8. Resize the form and the flickering occurs


    I can verify the flicker effect. That is interesting. It does not have focus, but it is acting like it is trying to have focus.

    I tried setting the combobox style to csDropDownList. No flicker. Oh well.



    I can confirm this issue, it will be fixed it in the nearest release.

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