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  • #33536

    Do you Plan to support Toolbar2000 ?
    There is SpTBXLib at already skinned.
    You may add a new skin with TsSkinManager's selected skin.

    There is also explanation of Syntax:

    State.Part = Value

    Component can be:
    Single state components: Dock, DockablePanel, DockablePanelTitleBar, Gutter, MenuBar, OpenToolbarItem,
    Panel, Popup, Separator, Splitter, StatusBar, StatusBarGrip, TabBackground,
    TabToolbar, Toolbar, ToolbarGrip, Window, WindowTitleBar
    Multiple state componentes: MenuBarItem, MenuItem, ToolbarItem, Button, CheckBox, EditButton, EditFrame,
    Header, Label, ListItem, ProgressBar, RadioButton, Tab, TrackBar, TrackBarButton

    State can be: Normal, Disabled, HotTrack, Pushed, Checked, CheckedAndHotTrack

    Part can be: Body, Borders, TextColor


    Value syntax:

    Body = GradientType, GradientColor1, GradientColor2, GradientColor3, GradientColor4
    Body represents the controls client area, GradientType can be one of the
    following values:
    0 (Solid, uses Color1)
    1 (Vertical Gradient, uses 2 colors)
    2 (Horizontal Gradient, uses 2 colors)
    3 (Vertical Glass Gradient, uses 4 colors)
    4 (Horizontal Glass Gradient, uses 4 colors)
    5 (Vertical Mirror Gradient, uses 4 colors)
    6 (Horizontal Mirror Gradient, uses 4 colors)
    7 (Vertical 1/3 Mirror Gradient, uses 4 colors)
    8 (Horizontal 1/3 Mirror Gradient, uses 4 colors)
    9 (Vertical Office 2007 Gradient, uses 4 colors)
    10 (Horizontal Office 2007 Gradient, uses 4 colors)

    Example, this will draw a white/gray vertical gradient on the buttons normal state:
    Normal.Body = 1, clWhite, $DCD8D0

    Borders = BorderType, TopLeftColor, BottomRightColor, Internal TopLeftColor, Internal BottomRightColor
    Borders represents the controls borders, BorderType can be one of the
    following values:
    0 (Rectangle border)
    1 (Rounded border)
    2 (Double rounded)

    Example, this will draw a white/black rounded beveled border on the buttons normal state:
    Normal.Borders = 1, clWhite, clBlack



    1) Colors must be in Delphi notation, for example: clWhite or $FFFFFF are valid
    2) clNone is used as the empty fill color
    3) Non used colors can be omited


    Hello and thank you for information.
    I can't promise a quick implementing because many tasks are planned at moment, but your suggestion is in ToDo list already.

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