Thumbnailcache-Error in OpenDialog only with active AlphaControls Skinprovider

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  • #68894

    Hello, everyone,

    The problem:
    On every Open Dialog (e.g. on TFileNameEdit, TOpenDialog.Execute, TOpenDialog called by other libraries like FastReport etc.) the development computer takes a break of 2-3 minutes. In the IDE I see the following message:

    onecoreuap\shell\ext\thumbnailcache\lib\thumbcacheapi.cpp(288)\thumbcache.dll!5A241E55: (caller: 5A230F61) ReturnHr(11) tid(3930) 80004003 Invalid pointer

    The dialog box will show the respective folder empty or with one file and after the waiting time all other contained files will be displayed.
    Emptying the ThumbnailCache (also removing the folder) has no effect.

    This only happens when I place a TSkinProvider and TSkinManager component on form and choose a skin. The standard dialogs (without TSkinProvider) work without errors.

    Simple project:
    – Place an sTDialog on the form
    – place a button and insert “sOpenDialog1.Exceute” into OnClick
    –> test and change the folder to be displayed –> all OK

    – Place a TSkinProvider component on the form
    – Place a TSkinManager component on the form and select a skin
    –> test and change the folder to be displayed -> error occurs

    Relevant info (if something is missing, please report it):
    – AMD Ryzen 5 3600
    – 16 GB RAM
    – Windows 10 64-bit
    – Delphi 2010
    – AlphaControls 14.34

    Any idea what happens there?

    best regards


    updated AlphaControls to 14.37 without solving the problem


    There are so many things that could be the reason.
    Please, add a sample project illustrating the problem.
    Fyi: in AC 15.08 I could not replicate this problem.


    added sample project.
    best regards

    The problem exists only on the develeopment PC. Two other machines run the sample without any problem.
    May be there is a problem with AMD CPU?

    for testing:
    – compile project
    – click the button
    – switch between some folders
    -> with sTSkinProvider the openDialog “hangs”
    -> withot stSkinPovider and sTSkinManager allworks fine


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    I tried your project without a problem.
    I’m inclined to think it’s a Windows problem. You’re running the same Windows version I have. But AC put a lot of work into showing Windows dialog in native skin. There must be a reason for this. Even if I change sSkinManager1.Options.ChangeSysColors to True, things still work.
    My advice would be to go to AC version 15.08 Although it’s labeled beta, it’s very stable already.


    Hello, Siegbert
    Thank you for the sources of the demo.
    I have compiled it, but can’t repeat the error or hangs on the several PC’s (AMD CPU used).
    Can you share your Exe file also, please? I will research it.

    BTW. Maybe antivirus doesn’t allows some actions in some cases? Can you try to disable antivirus temporary?

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