System Menu – Available Skins

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  • #36683

    When you have SkinProvider MakeSkinMenu checked a menu item is added to the system menu called “Available skins” which is a quick way to change skins.

    Is it possible to change the caption to say “Available styles” or “Available themes”, etc?


    I will change it to “Available styles” soon, I think.


    I traced where the name originates.

    sStrings.rc s_AvailSkins, “Available skins”

    sConst.pas acs_AvailSkins := LoadStr(s_AvailSkins);

    sSkinProvider.pas SkinItem.Caption := acs_AvailSkins;

    Curious why you were not able to append they system menu and had to do it differently. If you had used append the menu I could have found the menu item and changed the caption to whatever I wanted to call it like

    spMain.SystemMenu.Items.Find('Available skin').Caption := 'Available style'; However, it does not find it since it is not a system menu item but it does reside in the system menu. My head is spinning. a1.gif


    Native skinned menu can't be skinned, unfortunately.

    PS. You can change this variable in real-time if you need a quick fix:

    sConst.acs_AvailSkins :='Available themes'


    I knew there was a good reason.

    I know I can change it; however, that means I would have to change it each time you released an update. I can handle that, but was looking for a better solution.


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