sScrollBars appear to be freezing an application

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  • #36772

    I am new to using skins in fact I am not a full time programmer, more of a novice doing occasional apps at home.

    These days I have just started to look at adding skin features from “AlphaControls Lite Edition is a part of the AlphaControls package” 66.4 Mb 22.11.2015

    I have an application which worked fine with 30 standard Delphi scrollbars but when I changed to use the AlphaControls sScrolbars all was fine until I added more than 16;

    after adding the 17th my application freezes with no messages, no crash, just the hour glass stays forever. I did manage to add over 20 sCheckBox without any issue.

    Is this due to a built in limitation of the free version.



    I'm trying to repeat the problem in test-applications, but there is no problem.

    Look attached project, maybe you can change it? What should I add there for reproducing of the problem?

    'Support' wrote:


    I'm trying to repeat the problem in test-applications, but there is no problem.

    Look attached project, maybe you can change it? What should I add there for reproducing of the problem?

    Thank you for your reply,

    Your code worked fine,

    I will replicate your example in my existing application and see what happens.

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