SplitView Demo Oddity

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  • #37813

    I downloaded your SplitView Demo and was playing with when I put in this configuration and the result is strange (see attached image).

    The panel shows the end of the text. Is this normal?

    It appears that setting “ContentMoved” is causing this.


    Sorry, forgot to add the image.


    If ContentMoved is False then panel is resized only. This panel and all content not moved.

    If ContentMoved is True then all panel with all content is moved when animated.


    It just seemed odd.

    When it is anchored on the right side the images are aligned to the left followed by the text.

    I thought with it anchored on the left side the images would be aligned to the right followed by the text.

    At any rate.


    I am not sure what you did to the demo, but I like the improvement.

    'TAZ' wrote:

    It just seemed odd.

    When it is anchored on the right side the images are aligned to the left followed by the text.

    I thought with it anchored on the left side the images would be aligned to the right followed by the text.

    At any rate.

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