Skinned forms with no runtime packages

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  • #34287

    My customers have some DLLs compiled with no runtime packages. They use my source code (that I distribute as DCUs files) instead of my BPLs because these DLLs need keep working over my new releases and can't be recompiled all the time.

    It have been worked along the years but using AlphaSkins I have been experienced some problems, inspite of I have converted these DLLs' source code to use AlphaSkin's controls.

    The most important issue by now is that DLLs compiled in this way, when using TsNoteBook, cause the following error and then close the application:

    “Exception EFilerError in module rtl70.bpl at 0002DA2B.

    A class named TsPage already exists.”

    Additionally, I have noticed that acNoteBook unit has this line at initialization session:

    “Classes.RegisterClasses([TsPage]); // For compatibility with old version”

    Other issues are related to some controls' painting.

    Can you help me? Is there some way that I can use AlphaSkins in this kind of DLLs?

    Thank you so much!




    You have a common problem which occurs when third party components are used in Dll's.

    Please look, maybe this page will help you :

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