Sorry for my language, but I don't speak english very well.
1. TsPageControl
Can I disable animation when switching tabs for a single component TsPageControl?
Example: I set Tag=999 for one TsPageControl and disable animations.
sPageControl.pas, line 320 and add “and (Tag<>999) on if
if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and FCommonData.Skin… and (ow<>nil) and (Tag<>999) then begin
And on line: 327, 642, 705.
2. TsScrollBar
I would like to draw on the TsScrollBar. Can you add an new event OnAfterPaint?
For example, in line 695 (sScrollBar.pas)
if Assigned (fOnAfterPaint) then fOnAfterPaint (bmp);
type TOnAfterPaint = procedure (Bitmap:TBitmap) of Oject;
3. TsSkinProvider and Font style
I can add new “addional title” by AddedTitle property and I can change font for it.
But I can't change font for oryginal title. Can You add font property for it?
I would like to bold oryginal title and no bold for addional title.
TIA Karol