selection effect you sent me about treeview works great and i have some questions about it:
1) when setting the DragMode to dmAutomatic, when selecting an item, it first draws it normally (not good) and then switches to the effect
2) if an item is drawn bold or italic or font size above 8, once selected, all the styles are gone, how can they remain even when selected?
3) tlistview: because this component have subitems, i didnt manage to use your method on it, the selection is drawn over all the item (drBounds) but the text that appears is only of one of the subitems
4) TListBox: doesnt even have the advanceddrawitem so i didnt know how to implement your solution on this component
5) your selection solution looks much better than the regular one, so why isnt it the default behavior for a skinned treeview/listview/listbox?
6) when property RowSelect is true, you have the same bad effect as in point 1.
see attached demo, please download it as soon as you can because it's there for only 7 days (starting today)