Runtime Error 3

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  • #33058

    I am testing the newest version (not the beta, the stable version). It looks great!

    However I am getting a “Runtime error 3” at startup on a single Windows XP computer that I am testing on. It works fine on two other Windows XP computers, as well as on a Windows Vista computer an even a Windows 7 computer.

    I am considering this for a software program that runs on thousands of computers, so I need to know that this will not happen on 1 in 3 Windows XP computers. Can you think of any reason why this would happen?

    I am using Delphi 5, and have placed a few regular controls on a form, as well as the TsSkinManager and TsSkinProvider.

    The list of controls is:

    sSkinManager1: TsSkinManager;
    sSkinProvider1: TsSkinProvider;
    Button1: TButton;
    Label1: TLabel;
    Button2: TButton;
    ListBox1: TListBox;
    RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup;
    sEdit1: TsEdit;
    sMemo1: TsMemo;
    sListBox1: TsListBox;
    sSpeedButton1: TsSpeedButton;
    sPageControl1: TsPageControl;
    sTabSheet1: TsTabSheet;
    sTabSheet2: TsTabSheet;

    The one button click is:

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    var cskin,
    cdir : string;
    cskin := sSkinManager1.SkinName;
    cdir := sSkinManager1.SkinDirectory;
    sSkinManager1.skinname := cskin;

    …and that's it! I have tried every variation I can think of.



    It's possible to use tools like the EurekaLog or similar for you? We must receive a log-file for this error.
    Also could you specify a difference between XP systems where error occurs and where an error does not occurs?


    I decided to completely re-install Delphi 5, and once that was done I no longer get the error!

    So it had nothing to do with your product, and seems like something corrupt in the D5 install. I am very sorry for any confusion caused!

    The product really is quite beautiful, by the way <img src="style_emoticons//smile.gif” style=”vertical-align:middle” emoid=”:)” border=”0″ alt=”smile.gif” />

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