Runtime Error 216.

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  • #34188

    С некоторых пор при отладке из Дельфи 2010 стала появляться ошибка “Runtime Error 216 at 004050AE” на этапе запуска программы.

    Без отладки сама по себе прога запускается нормально. Перерыл инет – нет четкого ответа.

    Делал простой проект – пустая форма. Без модуля sSkinManager в разделе uses все работает. Как только добавляешь его туда – ошибка и прога не отлаживается.

    В чем может быть причина?


    'Glinco' wrote:

    С некоторых пор при отладке из Дельфи 2010 стала появляться ошибка “Runtime Error 216 at 004050AE” на этапе запуска программы.

    Без отладки сама по себе прога запускается нормально. Перерыл инет – нет четкого ответа.

    Делал простой проект – пустая форма. Без модуля sSkinManager в разделе uses все работает. Как только добавляешь его туда – ошибка и прога не отлаживается.

    В чем может быть причина?


    Please, post these messages in the Russian part of this forum. We, mere mortals, cannot read your script.


    Ok, let's in English.

    When I try to start program with SkinManager in it, it falls with Runtime error 216 before line Application.Initialize;.

    I have problem with debugging in Delphi, when I include module sSkinManager in simple default Windows Form project (in uses clause of main form).

    Form is empty, just add “uses sSkinManager”.

    With Intagrated Debugging option set to off everything is ok.

    Program starts from explorer correctly and works fine.

    Delphi 2010 with Updates 4 and 5.

    I saw this before, but don't remember how it can be fixed. 🙁

    'Glinco' wrote:

    Ok, let's in English.

    When I try to start program with SkinManager in it, it falls with Runtime error 216 before line Application.Initialize;.

    I have problem with debugging in Delphi, when I include module sSkinManager in simple default Windows Form project (in uses clause of main form).

    Form is empty, just add “uses sSkinManager”.

    With Intagrated Debugging option set to off everything is ok.

    Program starts from explorer correctly and works fine.

    Delphi 2010 with Updates 4 and 5.

    I saw this before, but don't remember how it can be fixed. 🙁

    Try to disable your virus scanner. If that is the cause, have a look at this:


    All of this looks very funny, I have Avira installed, but never have any problem… But I upgraded anivirus several days ago.

    Now I shuted down Avira, but nothing's been changed.

    Could you be so kind to translate text from page you suggest from German into English?


    Great. It works!

    You're genius. :))

    Let's wait for Avira to solve this problem.

    'Glinco' wrote:

    Great. It works!

    You're genius.

    Nothing genius about it. I just had similar problems and started to google.


    Hello and thank you for the information!

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