Problems & questions with TsSpeedButton

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  • #36455

    I actually have three separate questions all related to the TsSpeedButton control:

    • As can be seen in the attached screenshot [attachment=7066:AC SS 1.png], with certain skins the TsSpeedButton controls can appear with text that is barely legible. Obviously there are issues with the AutumnSky and Black Box skins, but there are probably others that also have problems.
      [*]When a TsSpeedButton has its glyph assigned from an action (TAction), changing the button's Action property doesn't correctly update the Glyph. With the standard TSpeedButton class, I could accomplish this with the following code:

      button->Glyph->Assign(NULL); button->Action = newAction;

      Unfortunately this doesn't work with the TsSpeedButton. How can I accomplish this?

      [*]I'm attempting to replace the standard TSpeedButton controls with TsSpeedButtons mostly because the former have problems displaying glyphs with transparency. However, because I'm trying to integrate them into forms/frames that have a lot of standard (non-AC) components, I'd like many of these TsSpeedButton controls to look just like the standard TSpeedButton does, regardless of what the current skin is. See the attached screenshot ([attachment=7067:AC SS 2.png]) for an example. How can I get the buttons surrounded in purple to look like the button surrounded in blue?

    My development environment:
    -Windows 8

    -RAD Studio 2010

    -AC 9.19

    As can be seen in the attached screenshot [attachment=7066:AC SS 1.png], with certain skins the TsSpeedButton controls can appear with text that is barely legible. Obviously there are issues with the AutumnSky and Black Box skins, but there are probably others that also have problems

    I will add some changes in the v10.01, you will be able to evaluate it

    When a TsSpeedButton has its glyph assigned from an action (TAction), changing the button's Action property doesn't correctly update the Glyph. With the standard TSpeedButton class, I could accomplish this with the following code:

    button->Glyph->Assign(NULL); button->Action = newAction;

    Unfortunately this doesn't work with the TsSpeedButton. How can I accomplish this?

    I have made a test app for this issue, glyphs are changed in run-time there.. Could you give me your demo-app?

    I'm attempting to replace the standard TSpeedButton controls with TsSpeedButtons mostly because the former have problems displaying glyphs with transparency. However, because I'm trying to integrate them into forms/frames that have a lot of standard (non-AC) components, I'd like many of these TsSpeedButton controls to look just like the standard TSpeedButton does, regardless of what the current skin is. See the attached screenshot ([attachment=7067:AC SS 2.png]) for an example. How can I get the buttons surrounded in purple to look like the button surrounded in blue?

    Buttons surroubded in blue are not skinned? You can change the SkinData.SkinSection property to unexisiting section (to 'NA' for example). Control will not be skinned in this case.

    'Support' wrote:

    I will add some changes in the v10.01, you will be able to evaluate it

    Great, thanks!

    I have made a test app for this issue, glyphs are changed in run-time there.. Could you give me your demo-app?

    Sure, I have attached it. In the demo you can change the Action via the combo box. Even though the glyph doesn't change, when you mouse over the TsSpeedButton the popup hint shows that the underlying Action has indeed changed.

    Buttons surroubded in blue are not skinned? You can change the SkinData.SkinSection property to unexisiting section (to 'NA' for example). Control will not be skinned in this case.

    Correct, the one in blue was not skinned. Your suggestion seems to work just fine, so thanks again!


    Thank you, I will fix it soon.


    Awesome, thank you!

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