Problem with Delphi XE Effect Hide MainForm

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  • #35560
    wesley bobato

    Hello Friend I would like to warn you that the property


    -> AnimEffects

    -> FormHide

    Works not in Delphi XE Effect does not run when

    I close the MainForm, Effect Executes Only in Delphi

    2010, I downloaded the free version to meet the component

    I'm just telling you if you do not know.

    Possible Component is TsPageControl not have a property owning Borders

    Border to Border options

    -> BsNone

    -> BsSingle

    Thanks for reading.


    Hi Wesley,

    behaviour confirmed under Delphi XE, Vista 64bit. This is probably related to my problem


    I'm sure Serge is aware of this and will fix it soon 🙂

    Demo attached to prove behaviour. Please also note that when FormShow AnimEffects is activated, the FormHide when activated seems to prevent the FormShow effect from working again?

    Demo has timer to 'reshow' form after button is pressed. Show effect not activated after initial load…for atAero or atFade.

    wesley bobato

    Thanks For Your Answer I use Delphi XE and Windows XP 32x

    Good Work.


    Form hide animaeffect really has problems

    Click Here:

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