Possible Corrupted Glyphs in sDBNavigator, XE6 Only.

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  • #36221

    Attached is a small demo that shows corrupted glyphs (3) on the sDBNavigator. Happens only in XE6 when connected to an active dataset. XE5 is fine. Also does not matter if the skin manager is present or not. Please verify if you see the same behavior. I have not had a chance to test on a fresh install that only has XE6 installed.


    Re-posting attachment.

    'tmorris' wrote:

    Attached is a small demo that shows corrupted glyphs (3) on the sDBNavigator. Happens only in XE6 when connected to an active dataset. XE5 is fine. Also does not matter if the skin manager is present or not. Please verify if you see the same behavior. I have not had a chance to test on a fresh install that only has XE6 installed.

    I may have found the issue. I noticed your glyphs in the resource file are 4-bit. However in the TsDBNavigator.InitButtons procedure you set the PixelFormat to 24 bit:

    Btn.Glyph.PixelFormat := pf24bit;

    Changing it to match the actual glyph format appears to fix the issue:

    Btn.Glyph.PixelFormat := pf4bit;


    >corrupted glyphs on the sDBNavigato

    >Happens only in XE6 when connected to an active dataset.

    I'm seeing the same problem in v9.12 – not using v9.x in my other Delphi versions so can't comment on those.


    Hello Steven, I'll try to improve it in the next release.


    Still having issue with v9.13 and Delph Xe6

    This is with

    * Delph Xe6

    * compiled as 32 bit

    * AlphSkin v9.13

    * latest skin versions (just downloaded yesterday)

    * Verified with Golden skin (image below) and same issue with Aluminium (only two I'm using in current project).


    Other info

    Windows 7 x64



    Can you make a small demo with this glitch, please? (I need sources and Exe)


    There is still an issue with the Insert/'+' glyph. It appears to 'wrap-around'. You can still see this behavior in the test project I uploaded earlier.

    I modified the sDBRes.res file and increased the width from 13 to 15, re-centered the 'plus'. Not sure this is the best fix but it appears to work.

    IPSteven: I tried to test your situation but could not duplicate the issue. It looks fine for me with both those skins.


    9.13, 32-bit, XE6, Win7-64bit.


    Spoke too soon. Seeing the same glitch with the next button on a different project. Not able to pinpoint what is different but will investigate some more.

    'tmorris' wrote:

    Spoke too soon. Seeing the same glitch with the next button on a different project. Not able to pinpoint what is different but will investigate some more.

    Attached is a demo. It appears that rendering the glyphs when there are active records exposes the problem.


    In acnt_reg v9.14 the icon weirdness is now gone.

    Just a note that the color scheme is now different.

    All the icons use to be black, now they colors match the variations of the delphi dbnavigator.


    It would be nice if we could chose between the black or the standard (multicolor) or even have the color match the text color.

    Because sometimes the default multicolors clash with the design skin.

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