New skin for TsTrackbar

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  • #36653


    I am facing again a problem with the skins. I upgraded alphaControls from version 7.54 to 10.13. In this version, the wrong trackbar data are used. There are 2 skins: the (default) TRACKBAR skin and a new skin named TRACKBARDOC. I use the TRACKBARDOC section for my trackbar, but the trackbar data are used from the TRACKBAR skin. According to the skindata, the slider and the border of the trackbar should be gray (data from TRACKBARDOC), but actually, they are blue which corresponds to the TRACKBAR skin. Can you please check it? I have attached an example project with the relevant part of the skin.

    Off-topic (Bug report): When changing the bordermask of a skin with the editor, the border widths are not loaded correctly in the “image selection for property”-window, when the border is 0! Instead of 0, the editor displays 1. So, every time I want to edit the bordermask of a skin with border width = 0, I must not forget to to explicitly set the border width to 0 again. Maybe you can fix it.


    Thank you for the demo, I will try to solve this issue in the nearest release.


    Thank you, I will wait for it 🙂

    Meanwhile I found a quite similar bug concerning the TsCombobox: The Glyph (Skin for the Combobox-Button) is always taken from the “default”-combobox skin (see the demo project attached to this reply). Although the lower combobox in the demo-project uses a different skin with a different glyph compared to the upper combobox, both comboboxes show same combobox-button (the combobox-button of the lower combobox should be gray).


    Thanks for the demo. You can try latest version of the package, some changes were added there.


    I installed version 10.17. During design time the skin is shown correctly, but when I start the application, the skin is still taken from the “default” TRACKBAR-skin.

    The combobox-button is also taken from the “default” skin.

    Can you please check it again?

    Thank you very much.



    Can you show Exe-file, please?



    I tried it again. Now it works well. Thank you again 🙂

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