Need Help With AlphaSkins and TMS TAdvStringGrid

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  • #35103

    There are some skins that are having problems (my doing?) with TAdvStringGrid cell font colors. It is really weird.

    One skin instance the grid cells are showing the value with the exception of the grid cell that has focus – the value is hidden.

    Another skin instance the grid cells are not showing the value with the exception of the grid cell that has focus – the value is showing.

    Another skin instance the grid cells are showing the value for all grid cells including the grid cell with focus.

    Follow up:

    I turned off bands on the grid. Improved some things. However, some things are still weird.

    I built a simple project with a simple advgrid with no property changes and the same thing occurred.

    If there is no solution to this problem, is there a way to have the advstringgrid not be skinned by itself??? I love the control but not this behavior.

    Help and thanks in advance.


    I removed the TMS controls from the Third Party controls (probably an overkill but it worked). Grid looks good without the skinning. So I am happy even without another solution.



    'TAZ' wrote:
    I built a simple project with a simple advgrid with no property changes and the same thing occurred.

    Can you give me this project please?

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