MDIForm annoying refreshing

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  • #36641


    I'm experiencing a situation when I close MDIChild forms, switch to/from another program and open multiple forms of different FormStyles.

    An annoying white border appears suddenly on the client area of the main form (MDIForm) on the occasions mentioned above and, in some cases, after a few minutes.

    I tried many different combinations of the properties, and this problem is “new” for me, since I updated from version 8 (I can't downgrade the control now, since there's new useful properties and fixes).

    As can be seen on the images, the main form has a background image, but the problem occurs even without this image.

    There's another “new” situation I believe can be related: when I switch between forms in the application, the MDIForm background redraws entirely (turns blank) and flickers, also with or without image.

    I'm using Office 13 blue theme, AlphaControls 10.15 Lite Edition, on portuguese windows/application version.



    Is it possible to make a test-project where this issue may be repeated?



    After talking with other developers of the company with same problem, we realised the real problem was in fact in the framework we use (we don't have access to the source), and I was able to deal with this by using WM_SETREDRAW before/after screen updates to avoid flicker and the annoying refresh of MDIForm. It's not a perfect solution, but allowed to go on while I wait the proper correction in the mentioned framework. Thanks for your attention.

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