Just wanted to say…

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  • #35575


    I've used AlphaSkins for some 5 years now, having discovered it almost by accident whilst searching for a nice button to put on a small program. I was amazed right from the start. Over those 5 years I have seen it grow into a faster, more reliable package with added functionality beyond what I could ever have expected. I am forced to remember sometimes, that as programmers we are constantly requesting the AC Team to add support for this component and that component… it is a credit to the team that the list of 3rd party components currently supported under Alphaskins is massive and growing all the time.

    In it's current incarnation, v8.14 there still exist one or two minor drawing issues (IMHO) and there are also a few bugs. It is for me however, a very, very stable package 99% of the time. But as a programmer I understand that with added functionality, bugs and issues will sometimes arise because of the inevitable difficulties with maintaining a constant model throughout. New components may introduce new methods which will require new routines, new ways of doing things. We all know that this may introduce a 'backward' compatibility problem with old methods and routines. The conundrum is maintaining that backward compatibility, whilst progressing ever forward.

    I wanted to say, because I felt it necessary on a personal level, that I believe the foundation core of the Alphaskins package to be formidable. It is an excellent package. Bugs still exist, but once pointed out the AC Team diligently research and almost always offer a solution fixing the bug within a couple of releases at most. Or a temporary 'work around' almost immediately. A true indication of a dedicated team.

    I do not know who the AC 'Team' are, other than Serge and Sascha (Graf?). I don't know if it's just them two, or a whole bunch of people. Hamilton… you always seem ready to help too… are you one of the guys?

    Regardless, I think Alphaskins is the best total skinning package for ANY computer language existing today. It grows, and will continue to grow.

    I just wanted to say that, because sometimes reading this forum all we see is bug reports and problems. This isn't the whole picture. Alphaskins is, IMHO, absolutely brilliant and to be honest it has inspired me, and left me to do the coding of my main app almost unworried by the problems I used to face in the 'beginning'?

    Does anyone else remember, as programmers, spending a week in Paintshop just trying to design a button that looked 3D and pretty?

    I'll stop now, with this simple message… Awesome and thankyou.



    I'm just a fan too 🙂

    I don't have much time to help in the forums atm but normally I like to be active here to be aware of issues my users may face and to encourage/support a community for a product that has improved the appearance and functionality of my apps so much. Full kudos is to Serge, Sascha, anyone else they have hiding away in ACCentral, and the community users who contribute to the product 🙂

    'Hamilton' wrote:

    I'm just a fan too 🙂

    I don't have much time to help in the forums atm but normally I like to be active here to be aware of issues my users may face and to encourage/support a community for a product that has improved the appearance and functionality of my apps so much. Full kudos is to Serge, Sascha, anyone else they have hiding away in ACCentral, and the community users who contribute to the product 🙂

    Yeah what he said



    Thanks, Friends, I think, this project will be only better in the future 🙂

    I plan to place random opinions of AC users on the main site page 🙄

    I hope to do it in this year …

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