Is Developing Continuing on these Components?

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  • #71816

    Greetings All,

    Just recently found these skinning components. These are by far the most advanced, most appealing skins available to the Delphi community. But they do not appear to be current. Please tell me I wrong.



    Hello, I use Delphi 12, they are perfect


    Greetings Cleverson,

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    I went ahead, purchased and installed it into Delphi 12.2. Installed fine and set library path.

    I also downloaded all skins.

    However, if I start a new project, drop a sSkinManager on my form, double clicked it, select one skin, made sure it was active and tried to compile the project, I get an error.

    [dcc32 Error] acLFPainter.pas(130): E2037 Declaration of ‘DrawBorder’ differs from previous declaration

    Any ideas?


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    So a little more info. I use DevExpress components, so I uncommented this line in the file

    // << 3rdparty support start <<
    {$DEFINE DEVEX2011} // DevExpress, LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property must be False
    //{$DEFINE DEVEX6} // Old version of DevExpress components, earlier than v2011
    //{$DEFINE DEVEXHINTS} // Uncomment this line if you have conflicts between DevEx hints and AlphaHints
    //{$DEFINE USEPNG} // Support of TPngImageList from PngComponents
    //{$DEFINE TNTUNICODE} // Enable Unicode support by TntControls
    // >> 3rdparty support finish >>

    If I comment it out, then I can compile. But that defeats the purpose of buying thisd compoent if I cannot get it to work with DevExpress.

    Any Ideas?


    Hi there,

    I might be wrong, but DevExpress (last Version I purchased was v23.1.4) do not support AlphaControls as they have their own skinning-system. So, you might be running into a lot of errors, etc… and as long as AlphaControls do not get updated, I think you have to think about other options (like TMS or so). Sorry, for not being helpful…

    However, I have (and will do so in future) added some additional Components for AlphaControls to make the pack bigger. I also sent the sources to the deveolper, but never received an answer. I really hope, that he is OK.

    Nevertheless, I am sorry that I can’t be much of a help right now, but I also hope that I can kinda extend the AlphaControls pack until the developer(s) is/are back safely and everything gets normal again.

    BTW, if you have any request for an additional AlphaControls component, please let me know…

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