I’ve been working on a VCL application that’s mainly meant to work on a Windows 10 tablet without the benefit of a keyboard or mouse so touch only; one of the problems I’m having is the scrollbars on the TrzDBGrid I’m using on my main form are too small to reliably tap with a fingertip so I’m looking for a way to make the scrollbars width bigger. I already have a lifetime license for Alpha Controls which I’m using to enlarge the font of the popup menus on the form; the person who suggested this gave me the most basic instructions on how to try it (he mentioned it may not work with all third party components) so I added the TrzDBGrid to the third party list in sSkinManager and he posted this code:
procedure TForm6.sTrackBar1Change(Sender: TObject);
sSkinManager1.ScrollsOptions.ButtonSize := sTrackBar2.Position;
sSkinManager1.ScrollsOptions.ScrollSize := sTrackBar1.Position;
I really don’t get how to apply this code to my application? How would I set the scrollbar width to say double the default width? Or would this only work with a Tsdbgrid?