How to Add Controls at Runtime ?

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  • #36283

    I'm writing an app to help me at work.

    In the app I need to create a TsNotebook with X number of pages in runtime.

    Each page created needs various header labels, edits, checkboxes, database controls (TsLabelFX, TsEdits, TsDBEdits, TsImage, etc..) dynamically created and placed on each appropriate page.

    To keep things simple, each page is labeled 'Page' with the appropriate page number appended at the end.

    Whatever control that needs created is iterated through a loop for the appropriate page, i.e on each new page create the appropriate label or control.

    But the logic of the procedures doesn't seem to work as expected?

    When the app is ran the procedure executes fine, just that whatever control doesn't show up on any of the pages.

    Plus I get no exception nor runtime error of any kind

    As an example, here is a snippet of the label creation procedure

    procedure MakeLabel(PageNo, ElementNumb, Left_pos, Top_pos: Integer; CaptionString: string);
    NewLabel: TsLabelFX;
    NewLabel := TsLabelFX.Create(Form1);

    with NewLabel do
    Parent := NewWOWizPages.Pages.Objects[PageNo] as TWinControl;
    Caption := CaptionString;
    Left := Left_pos;
    Top := Top_pos;
    AutoSize := true;
    Height := 20;

    Label data is taken from an array of strings constant

    PageNo is the notebook page number, ElementNumb is for formatting purposes (not relevant), the rest is self explanatory.

    The Parent of the notebook is a TsPanel, the notebook/pages itself is created ahead of time, then these procedures begin to populate the pages.

    I demoed the code without a tsnotebook, to place controls/labels on a panel, and it works fine.

    so anybody got any ideas why its not working for pages?


    Well I got it working now.

    But oddly in my case TsNotebook needs to pre-exist? I'm sure I'm missing something. Not sure what.

    Unless I'm doing something wrong in the dynamic creation process for a notebook control??

    All labels show up on the appropriate page, but I had to leave a blank notebook control on the panel.

    I scrapped the dynamic creation of the notebook and just added new pages and controls to every page.

    Once I did that everything seemd to work fine. Weird.



    Can you show a demo? I will play with it. 🙂

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