I am having a problem which I have only had occur on Windows 10. When calling simple windows dialogs/messages(ShowMessage, InputQuery etc.) I am having the application Hang and crash with a “XXXXX.exe has stopped working” error.
I managed to track it down to where I think the error occurs and I believe it's the api call to SendMessage from sVclUtils.TrySendMessage by way of sDials.AddSupportedForm. I'm having trouble debugging due my lack of understanding how the message hooks work. Setting SkinManager.ExtendedBorders to false stops the problem from occurring but some effects(such as shadows and panels being drawn right to edges) are missing and are an important part of the visual upgrade that we're doing.
I have attached a small project that demonstrates the problem, I have replicated it on several Windows 10 PCs but it runs fine on my Windows 7 development machine and seemingly any Windows 7 install. I am also using Delphi 2006 to compile, so please test the exe I have included if you cannot replicate when compiling from another version.
Perhaps there is something I'm overlooking.
** EDIT **
The attached project uses the AlterMetro skin which it is expecting to be in c:skins folder.