Global methods for skinning

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  • #33118

    Since I very often have controls (such as TPanel for instance) that do not get skinned, it would be helpful if you provided a way to force the TsSkinProvider to skin a particular control or form.

    For instance, VCLSkins has these methods for just this purpose:

    procedure UpdateSkinControl(fParent:Tform;acontrol:Twincontrol=nil);
    procedure SkinForm(ahwnd:THandle);

    Can you add something similiar to this? Basically, a way for me to tell TsSkinProvider to skin or re-skin a particular control (or form)

    (p.s. I only use VCLSkins as an example. I think your skinning is quite superior, but with just a few annoying quirks


    Thanks for message, I'll be thinking about it soon.

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