Getting Icon by Index

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  • #33040


    I want to use glyphs of TsSpeedButton depending of the size of the button. The idea is to create one Icon File with say three icons each of different size (e.g. 32×32 / 48×48 / 64×64). Depending of the button size (or glyph size) I want to load the appropriate icon. TIcon is a very poor component and cannot access icons with a certain index, just SMALL and HUGE Icon. Does anyone know how to do that task ?

    Rgds, Skippy.


    Ok, it can be made by using LoadImage with the appropriate xDesired and yDesired sizes, it loads the relevant icon.
    As for the bad resolution I assumed it loads another one and draws by stretching. But this is not true, I tested it with different icons now. But I don't know why the resolution is such bad, it's pretty good in the icon designer. When I use png files it's perfect, but then I have to use different files for the different sizes….


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