Form Title has wrong position

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  • #38227


    I am currently using AC version 14.20 and Delphi Rio. Now, I got a problem with the form title because it is intented (the gap between the icon and the form title in the title bar is too large).

    Attached you find a small demo-app containing a form with a TsSkinManager and TsTitleBar component.

    As I found out, the problem can be solved by removing the TsTitleBar component from the form. Unfortunately, in our “real” application we have some titlebar-items such that we need the TsTitleBar component on our form and we can not simply remove it.

    Can you please fix this bug or tell me how I can fix the problem if it is not a bug?


    Hello and thank you for the demo

    I will make this gap smaller in the next release.

    'Support' wrote:

    Hello and thank you for the demo

    I will make this gap smaller in the next release.

    Now I have a problem with this.

    Until 14.21 my form title looked like this:


    In 14.22 it looks like this:


    This is the sample project to reproduce the problem:



    Thank you for the demo, this issue will be solved in the v 14.23

    'Support' wrote:

    Thank you for the demo, this issue will be solved in the v 14.23

    Problem solved a3.gif

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