form.position ignored when Skin enabled

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  • #37288

    I'm using Delphi 7 and Aplpha Skins 7.29 at a company I work for updating an existing application.

    The problem I have is that a form being created dynamically ignores the form.position property when skins are enabled. If I disable skins it works perfectly.

    When the created for appears on screen it shows up in one place and then jumps to the middle of the screen. When I disable skins the form appears in the middle as it should.

    What I have is a database application. When the application runs a “Connect” form is created before the main form is displayed.

    I have tried creating the form and then setting it's position via code (form.left:=screen.width div 2 etc) with no success.

    Is there a fix or something I can do?

    Thanks in advance for any help. If you need more info let me know.



    Why you can't upgrade a version of the used package?

    I think, you will not have such issue with latest versions.



    Upgrading isn't up to me. I inherited this laptop from another developer and the company I'm doing the work for have no idea what day it is most of the time.

    I assume it's a known bug in the version I'm using and there is no workaround?



    Can this issue be repeated in the demo?

    Maybe you can give me such demo and I will check it?

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