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  • #33140
    Christopher Dely

    This exception occurs when user restores a full sized dialog.

    exception class : EListError
    exception message : List index out of bounds (4).

    call stack:
    00427a15 NlArchiver.exe Classes TList.Get
    004bce13 NlArchiver.exe Forms TScreen.GetForm
    005efee5 NlArchiver.exe sSkinManager TsSkinManager.MainWindowHook
    004be959 NlArchiver.exe Forms TApplication.WndProc
    00432cf8 NlArchiver.exe Classes StdWndProc
    7e3696c2 USER32.dll DispatchMessageA
    004bf6e4 NlArchiver.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
    004bf71e NlArchiver.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage

    We have purchased the source, so I looked for the solution.
    In function TsSkinManager.MainWindowHook you have a for loop at the end of the procedure:

    CM_ACTIVATE : begin // Solving problem in Report builder dialogs and similar windows
          for i := 0 to Screen.FormCount – 1 do SendAMessage(Screen.Forms.Handle, AC_INVALIDATE);

    Try to change it to:

    CM_ACTIVATE : begin // Solving problem in Report builder dialogs and similar windows
          for i := Screen.FormCount – 1 downto 0 do SendAMessage(Screen.Forms.Handle, AC_INVALIDATE);


    Thank you for info, this code will be tried in the next release.

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