Edit Controls Request

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  • #37368

    This is a twofold question.

    Is there a sure fire way (in code) to set the background color for edit controls (edit box, memo, etc.) when they are read only? Do not want to disable the control. Want to keep it enabled but notify the user that this is read only.

    Would it be difficult to add a read only background color property to those affected edit controls?

    I think that would be pretty neat.



    You can use the Color property if SkinData.CustomColor is True. This is an easiest way, I think.

    Otherwise, you can change a used skin section to 'PANEL', for example. Or you can make own custom skin section for disabled edit controls especially.


    I have added a status bar with a notification when the read edit control has focus and the notification disappears when the read edit control loses focus.

    In the mean time, I tried setting the SkinData.CustomColor to true and setting the Color property to an arbitrary color. Did not work. No big deal any way. Moved on.


    Sorry, such code doesn't work?

    sEdit1.SkinData.CustomColor := True;
    sEdit1.Color := 255;
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