Discolored icons

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  • #36695

    I've been using Alpha Skins in my application for quite some time and get good comments about the appearance. However, I have one small problem.

    I do not seem to be able to display discolored icons in the Toolbar buttons and in the Menus as I can in any TsBitBtn.

    Curiously, at design time, if I disable a Toolbar button it displays as discolored rather than greyed but it does not do so at runtime. Am I missing something or is this not possible?

    Thanks for any light you can shed on this matter.



    Try the sSkinManager1.Effects.DiscoloredGlyphs property.

    I hope, that's what you need.


    I have not explained my wish correctly. Disabled icons are normally displayed in blended mode. I think the “discolored” communicates disabled much better than blended. There it would be nice if I could direct the menu and toolbar buttons to use discolored painting rather than blended or grayed.

    The discolored glyphs property just discolors when the mouse is not over a control and allows color only when the mouse is over the control.


    sSkinManager1.Effects.DiscoloredGlyphs is working in menu items now, try the v10.19

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