DialogHide Issue

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  • #35833

    Hi, I wanna report some issues I've found in the AC v8.45:

    1.- If I change the value other than 0 in the “AnimEffects”–> “DialogHide”–> “Time” properties from the sSkinManager and I call a Dialog with something like Application.messagebox and if instead of clicking on the Yes, No, Cancel or Ok buttons, I press the system button from the dialog (the “X” button) the application freezes.

    2.- A few days ago (on august 6th) I've reported an issue with the ExtendedBorders:

    I'm using 2 forms. In form1 i call and show form2, but when i focus form1 again and try minimize form2 with a button like this:


    I get an Access violation.

    If I disable ExtendedBorders the program works well“.

    The problem was solved temporarily in the AC v8.44, but in AC v8.45 the issue reappeared.

    I'm using Delphi XE and Windows 8.



    Could you send me a test app (sources and Exe) where I can see the error, please?


    Here it is.

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